How Space Clearing Energetics Can Help You

  • The Space  Clearing Energetic  Reset
    Clear your office of stagnant energy and reset it with an abundant frequency

  • Pinpoint problem areas, clear away stuck energy of anger, resentment, and fear and 

  • Gently Helps to Energize,  Declutter, Organize, Improves Self-Care, and Reduce Stress 

  • Raise the properties' vibration to a Feel Good Kind of Place with joy, love and comfort. This shift is powerful yet gentle.

  • Individual attention to the detail is my priority.

  • Prosperous and creative living is enhanced with this work.

  • What is energetic space clearing?
    It is a metaphysical technique or a series of techniques that changes the energy or the vibration of an area. Yes, we all have the ability to know the difference for example, a room full of meditative praying people for a positive higher vibration feel and a mob of angry people for a lower vibration scary feel.

    How is it different than Feng Shui?
          Feng Shui is about the placement in spaces to create a flow of balance with the natural world. 
          The intention is to harness the vibrational energies of nature.  This creates a  positive harmony    between people and their environment.  Yes, I do incorporate some Classical Feng Shui “cures”.     
    My name is Anne Marie McNamara and my business is called CoCreate Balance.  I have been doing energy work for over thirty years and I use a variety of energetic techniques to raise the vibration of land/property.  I am certified in Classical Feng Shui techniques.  In addition, I have a counseling background of over forty years, and am a massage therapist for over twenty -five years.  I am also an author, and an artist and my artwork reflects  my vibrational energy work.